Rabu, 16 November 2016


Siapa yang tidak kenal Karangsambung?, suatu area luas yang  banyak dikunjungi para peneliti asing dan para Mahasiswa Geologi. Tempat subduksi lempeng benua Australia menyusup masuk dibawah lempeng benua Asia kemudian mengangkat berbagai jenis batuan dasar lautan sampai ke permukaan bumi pada masa sampai 80 juta tahun yang lalu. Bebatuan itu sekarang terpapar di daerah Karangsambung menjadi situs Geologi yang dikenal di seluruh dunia!. Ke tempat itulah kami mengadakan field study. Itu menakjubkan bagi kami. Sayang hujan dan longsor membatasi kami bergerak lebih luas lagi,
Namun begitu kami tetap semangat dibawah bimbingan ahli dibidangnya kami dibawa keliling pada suatu paparan daerah yang penuh contoh batu-batuan dasar laut yang terangkat keatas dan sekarang menjadi Karangsambung! Guru juga  ikut mendampingi kami ikut basah kuyup diguyur hujan menjadikan semangat kami berkobar! Ouuw ya, hari sebelumnya kami juga bakti lingkungan di pantai Suwuk Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, bersih-bersih pantai agar bebas sampah. Jadi rasanya studi wisata ini banyak memberi arti bagi kehidupan kami. Inilah beberapa fotonya, cuma maaf ya foto ini dari berbagai sumber jadi ukuran pixel nya tidak sama, tahu sendirilah ya yang penting happy:

Kenangan bersama di pantai Suwuk, Kebumen
Sampah itu sebentar lagi hilang dari tempatnya

Ramai-ramai bersihkan pantai
Masukan tas
Obyek wisata Suwuk
Hai, naik yuuk..!
Dua wisatawan menambah indah pantai Suwuk,
廣州做 Guǎngzhōu zuò?  아마도 한국 amado hangug

Basah dan licin
Tak perlu sepatu

Ekstra hati-hati di jalanan seperti ini
Longsor ini berbahaya bisa menutup jalan

Biarpun hujan tetap tersenyum
Woow biarpun hujan tetap semangat
Pembimbing kami dari LIPI Karangsambung
Menyusur jalan mencari batuan
Lanskap penuh batuan masa lalu
Ini namanya kuliah lapangan betulan
Foto dulu sebelum mulai lagi
Cerita pulau Jawa mulai dari sini!
Berkunjung ke museum batuan

Etalase yang menarik
Lanskap yang indah
Ternyata menyenangkan belajar di lapangan
Kuliah pagi sebelum berangkat

Ini bukan bermain air tapi cari contoh batuan!
Ups..! guru kami ternyata masih muda juga.
Ayo jalan lagi...
Didepan sel PENJARA Benteng Van Der Wijk!

Ini dua murid kami dari Papua saat
mampir di benteng Van Der Wijk Gombong

C'est la vie!

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2016


Sebagai bagian dari dinamika yang selalu berganti maka sekolah kami hari Sabtu 1 Oktober 2016 melaksanakan pergantian pengurus OSIS, dari pengurus lama periode 2015/2016 ke pengurus baru 2016/2017 dalam suatu upacara serah terima jabatan kepengurusan. Upacara dilaksanakan di lapangan upacara setelah selesai upacara memperingati hari kesaktian Pancasila. 
Pergantian kepengurusan kali ini mengambil momentum sejarah Indonesia. Saat itu Kamis 30 September 1965, 6 Jenderal dan 1 Kapten serta beberapa orang lainnya tewas dibunuh oleh oknum Partai Komunis Indonesia yang ditengarai sebagai upaya Coup d'etat (Kudeta) untuk mengganti sistem pemerintahan dan ideologi bangsa Indonesia, Pancasila. Lihat https://id.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Pancasila#Hari_Kesaktian_Pancasila.
Pemilihan pengurus OSIS baru sebenarnya sudah berlangsung sejak awal bulan September 2016 dengan seleksi yang ketat kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembekalan dan pembuatan program kerja di Kaliurang Yogyakarta.
Kami berharap dengan kepengurusan OSIS yang baru ini, derap dan langkah serta prestasi sekolah kami kian berkibar. Pada hati itu juga dilepas 2 orang rekan kami untuk mengikuti lomba tingkat nasional di Jakarta.
ini beberapa foto kegiatan itu:

Para pengurus OSIS yang baru
Pengurus lama siap menyerahkan bendera OSIS
OSIS baru menerima estafet kepengurusan dari OSIS lama 
Siap menjalankan program baru
Penandatanganan pergantian kepengurusan
Upacara serah terima sederhana yang penuh haru
Rekan kami yang ikut menyaksikan
Semoga mereka lebih baik dari kami pengurus lama.

C'est la vie!

Selasa, 13 September 2016

Why did You leave us, Did Allah commanded that this so?

When Abraham began to leave them and walk, his wife suddenly catch up with him and said to him: "O Ibrahim, where are you going? Why did you leave us in this valley, but in it there is nothing." Prophet Ibrahim did not reply and he kept running. His wife went back to say the words to say before. But Abraham remained silent. Finally, the wife understand that Abraham was not to be so unless the command from Allah SWT. Then the wife asks: "Did Allah commanded that this so?" Abraham replied: "Yes." Wife who believed said: "If so, we would not be wasted." Prophet Ibrahim to the place in a mountain and then he raised his hands to pray to Allah SWT:
"Our Lord, indeed I had put most of my offspring in a valley that has no plants near the house you (House) is respected." (Qur'an, Ibrahim: 37)

At that time the House has not been built. There is a wisdom that is high in a trip full of mystery. Ismail was left with his mother in this place. Ismail was the one who would be responsible with his father in the construction of the Kaaba. Lessons Allah demands for the establishment of a building in a valley and built in it Baitullah, where we're going to get there and facing him when we pray.

Abraham to leave his wife and children were still breastfed at desert. Ismail's mother breastfeeding her child and began to feel thirst. When the sun is very hot and makes him easy to feel thirsty. After two days, will this water and dry up the mother's milk. Hajar and Ismail feel the thirst, and the food was gone so that when they feel the tremendous difficulty. Ismail started crying of thirst and his mother left to find water. The mother walked quickly up to get a mountain named Safa. She climbed and put both hands on her forehead to protect his eyes from the sting the Sun. She began searching for the source of water or wells, or someone who can help her or caravan or traveler who can help her or news but all hope it fails.  
She soon dropped out of Safa and she started running and through a valley and up into a mountain named Marwah. She climbed it and see if there is someone, but she did not see someone.
Siti Hajar returned to her and she still found him in a state of tears and his thirst was growing. He immediately went to Safa and stood on it, and then she headed to Marwah and look around. She paced back and forth between two small mountain it seven times. Therefore, people who are on pilgrimage jogged between Safa and Marwah seven times. It is a warning against their mother first and their great prophet, namely Ismail.
After the seventh round, Siti Hajar returned somewhat tired and sat down on the side of his son who was crying. In the midst of this difficult situation, Allah revealed her mercy. Ismail was banging his feet on the ground in a state of tears, then flashed under his feet the Zam-zam so that the life of the child and the mother be saved. The mother took the water with her hands and she is grateful to Allah SWT. She drank the water and her son, and life began to grow and blossom in the region.  It's true what he said that Allah would not allow for them to be in his path.
When a son Ibrahim has reached adulthood, God tests Abraham faithfulness to His commandments through a dream about the slaughter of children. Faith Ibrahim, who has managed for the tests before, did not change when receiving this command. Ibrahim took his son set off to carry out the commands of Allah, he is not the slightest complain or plea from God about this command, but he carried out as God commanded. When Ibrahim lay his son to carry out God's command, he must first ask for feedback and approval from the son. He said: "O my son, I have seen in a dream that I must sacrifice, then please let me what you think!" his son answered: "O my father, deliver it what you are commanded; with God's favor, you shall find me of the steadfast." (Surah As-Saffat : 102-105)
When the son has volunteered and Ibrahim was preparing reached out to slaughter his son, once God calls Abraham in order to hold his hand, because these measures prove that Ibrahim is willing to do whatever to Allah, also proved the form of a servant who devoted and a reliable figure for God. (Surah Al-At-Taubah: 24). Ibrahim then find a great slaughter as a substitute sacrifice his son. Now the animals for slaughter as a sacrifice that could be a goat, cow, buffalo or camel.
Here are a few photos while learning and activities to celebrate the Qurban day at our school:

No gender on us!
Look, Not only Muslims but Cristianity too!
Weigh the meat before it is cut
We work together
Mrs. Unni among us
We did it!
Hay look here's how?
Hmm..what they do
 These are another photos:
Our Class
In traditional dress
Very serious in learning
Javanese traditional clothes
Muslim clothing hijab
With fresh water
 Relax time:
Yang dilatai 2 itu?
Set Up
Jump 2
Awas belakang
Not blocking!
The ball stuck on the wall?
C'mon girl not only be seen
Run and catch!
Little bit more..ups!
Little strange "ufo"

C'est La vie!